About Quest App

Interactive content for 21st century skills hosted on a multi-device gamified platform that is easy to use and can be deployed in offline settings too.

Anytime, Anywhere, Any device learning!

Over 400,000 youth trained till date


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Over 250 resources of interactive, gamified content to build skills around communicative English, life skills, gender sensitivity, work readiness, digital literacy, technology in careers and self-employment.

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Helps educators manage learners, centers and batches. Educators can view learner progress and engage the learner community. They can use the Go Live section to interact with learners and create a holistic learning experience.

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Virtual community bringing together learners and educators to promote discussions and collaboration. Also includes rewards and recognition systems for learners to drive engagement.

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A comprehensive platform to view near real-time progress and performance of all users.

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A RaspberryPi based server that allows users to access Quest App even in offline settings.

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Users can access relevant career opportunities across various locations, industry and salary ranges. Job listings can also be shared with peers on the app.





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